Communication - St Stephen's Primary School
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We try hard to keep parents and carers regularly informed about what is going on at school. This includes a weekly newsletter and other letters to inform you about specific events. Additionally, weekly newsletters are posted on the school website. Normal daily and weekly contact should be with your child’s teacher.

The end of the day is often the best time to catch up with staff for a quick chat, please try and avoid first thing in the morning. Phone messages and notes can also be useful for brief news from home or school. If you need more time or cannot attend school at the end of the school day, please phone the school office for an appointment. Our staff will be flexible to meet the needs of working parents who may not be present at the school regularly.

We have a designated ‘Link’ parent in each class who supports the communication between school and parents.

Electronic Communication

We use ParentPay to send electronic copies of newsletters, forms and letters. Once your child joins the school you will be emailed with a link to register, please do this promptly to ensure that you can make payments and complete online forms.

We also use ParentPay to text you urgent communications such as a club cancellation at short notice or school closure in the event of poor weather.

Of course, if you cannot get access to email and do not register on ParentPay you will receive copies of letters. Similarly, if you have no mobile, we will use your landline number.

Reporting to Parents

At St Stephen’s, we aim to have an ‘open door’ policy for parents to drop into school and speak with their child’s class teacher. Throughout the year there are several opportunities for more formal correspondence between home and school, these are:

Term 1

Parents’ Evening

Term 2

Autumn Spring Review – providing a written update on learning covered throughout the term, results from summative tests, targets for coming term and attendance percentage

Term 3

Parents’ Evening

Term 4

Spring Term Review - providing a written update on learning covered throughout the term, results from summative tests, targets for coming term and attendance percentage

Term 5


Term 6

End of Year Annual Report

Online Parents’ Consultations Booking

We use an online Parents’ Evening booking service. Once appointment dates are agreed with our teachers you will receive a notification informing you when the booking system is live. You will be required to pick a convenient time. If you do not have access to the internet, appointments can be made for you at the school office.

What to do if there’s a problem

If you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s school life please contact their class teacher in the first instance. We have found it is much easier to respond to an issue early rather than let a problem grow so, please, don’t hesitate to contact the school. Class teachers can be seen at the end of the school day or, if easier for you, contact them to make an appointment for a meeting at some other time.

If you are unable to resolve the matter swiftly with the class teacher, or you regard it as a very serious issue please contact the office to follow up with the Phase Lead, then Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher as appropriate. More serious issues, if unresolved, may also involve the Governing Committee.